Hi Wimates, Selamat datang di Fakultas Psikologi!
![]() | Semakin banyaknya tuntutan di zaman sekarang ini menyebabkan munculnya masalah-masalah kesehatan mental di masyarakat. Agar bisa mengatasi masalah tersebut, menyembuhkan atau memulihkan kesehatan mental saja tidak cukup, tetapi diperlukan adanya optimalisasi kesejahteraan melalui pengembangan kekuatan untuk mencegah munculnya masalah. Prinsip ini mendasari pendekatan psikologi positif yang menjadi visi keilmuan Fakultas Psikologi UKWMS. The UKWMS Faculty of Psychology equips its graduates with theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills that refer to positive psychology's views in the realms of clinical, industrial and organizational, developmental, educational, and social psychology. |
The values of caring, commitment and enthusiasm (PeKA) based on Catholic principles are also instilled so as to form individuals who act as agents of change with empathetic, rational, adaptive and integrity characteristics, and are ready to enter society with a high enthusiasm for learning. Some relevant work fields are HRD (human resource development), trainers, school counselors, psychologist assistants, therapist assistants, and so on. Our graduates are known to have good ethics, are competent in their knowledge, and are qualified in collaborating (teamwork). This is the impact of the experiential learning method applied in lectures, including active participation in the Merdeka Learn Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program in the form of internships and student exchanges nationally and internationally, including to Vancouver Island University-Canada and Saint Louis University-Philippines.
The UKWMS Psychology Faculty seeks to make the best contribution to developing the country through a positive approach.
Agnes Maria Sumargi, M.Psych., Ph.D, Psikolog
Dekan Fakultas Psikologi
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya