Building Joint Commitments to Implement SPMI

(UKWMS-8/10/2019) – Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University (WMSCU) received a grant called Mentoring towards Becoming an Excellent Study Program where WMSCU was responsible to provide guidance and mentoring for several Indonesian Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In order to guarantee the implementation sustainability of the Internal Quality Assurance System (Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal/SPMI) in those HEI, it is absolutely necessary to have the full commitment of various parties within the institution, starting from the foundation managers, higher education leaders, higher education academic senates, deans, heads of quality assurance units, heads of study programs, bureaus, institutions, centers, lecturers, and even the leaders of student organizations.
For this reason, WMSCU, as the HEI who was providing the mentoring and guidance, was required  to report on the success of the HEIs under its apprenticeship program that had taken place since May 2019. As previously reported, the four HEIs being mentored were Universitas Widya Kartika Surabaya, Universitas 45 Agustus Surabaya, Universitas Merdeka Surabaya, and STKIP PGRI Tulungagung.
There are four points of success that have been achieved, “These successes include building an organizational structure of the Quality Assurance Unit from zero, understanding the importance of quality assurance, completing and fulfilling the performance of SPMI for Mapping SPMI 2019 that was required from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, compiling SPMI documents, and building a program to carry out all Internal Quality Audit (AMI) activities in their respective institution,” explained Harto Pramono, Ph.D., as the Chairperson of the WMSCU Mentoring HEI grant program when delivering the report.


WMSCU Rector, Drs. Kuncoro Foe, G.Dip.Sc., Ph.D., Apt., expressed his highest appreciation to the participants during his speech because he realized it was not easy to compile these achievements. “Of course there were sweat, tears and a long process to be able to complete this. There were many targets and tasks that must be completed to produce these SPMI standards, some even producing more than 24 standards. Then this is a form of commitment on how we all want to contribute and welcome a better future,” said Kuncoro.
As a proof of the mentoring programs by the four universities, the transfer of SPMI documents that have been recorded from the Mentor HEI (WMSCU) to the four HEI recipients was conducted. The documents were received by the Rector of those universities, witnessed by their Foundation Chairperson and the Academic Senate Chairperson. And to further strengthen this commitment, the integrity pact was also signed by the Chairperson of WM Foundation, Rector, Chairperson of the Academic Senate, Deans, Heads of Quality Assurance Units, Heads of Study Programs, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Institutions, Heads of Centers, lecturers and leaders of student organizations.

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