Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Master Program In English Language Education)

Master of Education program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) excels both nationally and internationally.

– Producing Masters of Education whose thoughts, works and actions are based upon the values of social concerns, commitment to humanity, and enthusiasm for the improvement of civilization;
– Producing Masters of Education with high level of English proficiency and a competitive excellence in education and teaching;
– Producing Masters of Education who are skilled formulating problems, analyzing alternative solutions and making decisions.

According to the Decree of the Director of the Executive Board of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education No. 1144/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.K P/ M/III/2023, the accreditation status of the Master Program in English Language Education of the Faculty of Teacher Education of UKWMS is VERY GOOD / Baik Sekali

No Lecture Name Field of Interest Email
1 Prof. Dr. Veronica L. Diptoadi, M.Sc. Education Technology
2 Prof. Dr. Wuri Soedjatmiko
3 Prof. Dra. Anita Lie, M.A., Ed.D. Curriculum and Language Education
4 Prof. M.N. Siti Mina Tamah, M.Pd., Ph.D. English Education
5 Drs. Y.G. Harto Pramono, Ph.D. Education Technology
6 Dr. B. Budiyono, M.Pd. English Education
7 Dr. Ignatius Harjanto, M.Pd. English Education
8 Dr. V. Luluk Prijambodo, M.Pd. English Education
9 Mateus Yumarnamto, M.Hum., Ph.D. Literacy, Culture, and Language Education
10 Dr. H.J. Hendra Tedjasuksmana, M.Hum. English Education
11 Yohanes Nugroho Widyanto, Ph.D. English Education
12 Dr. Davy Budiono, M.Hum. English Education
13 Johanes Leonardi Taloko, M.Sc. Education
14 Takim Andriono, Ph.D.
15 Dede Oetomo, Ph.D.

After a few years’ graduation, the graduates of the Master Program in English Language Education of the Faculty of Teacher Education are able to demonstrate the following expertise and working spirit:

  1. The knowledge and skills related to language education and education technology to advance their career in their chosen fields and to pursue the advanced degree in education,
  1. The ability to be part of a team and to assume leadership position in their professions with the spirit of PeKA (Care, Commitment, and Enthusiasm).
  1. The commitment to be life-long learners for their career advancement and for the betterment of the society in general.


By the time the students graduate, they are able to:

  1. plan, design, implement and assess English language teaching (ELT) by applying student-centered learning, by integrating TPACK (Technological and Pedagogical Content Knowledge), by incorporating HOTS (Higher Order of Thinking Skills), and by adopting current research findings in their professional practices at various education levels
  1. plan, design, implement, and evaluate English education program at various levels of education
  1. conduct research in English education and applied linguistics and publish academic articles in academic journals
  1. Organize and manage teacher professional development programs at various levels of education.
  1. become a life-long learner in their chosen profession, to become a good citizen, and to contribute to the society for the betterment of the country with the spirit of PeKA (Care, Commitment, and Enthusiasm)

The Outcome Based Curriculum is adopted in the Curriculum of the study program. There are 54 credits that the students have to take in order to finish their Master program. Students are expected to finish their study within two years or four semesters.

The students do not have to write a thesis; they may choose whether they want to write a thesis as going to a higher level (Doctoral Program) they are supposed to be able to write a dissertation. If they do not write a thesis, they have to take some other subjects to compensate for the number of eight credits for a thesis writing.

The learning hours are from 18:00 up to 20:00 (for two-credit subjects) dan from 18:00 up to 21:00 (for three-credit subjects), from Monday through Friday. However, the higher semesters the students are in, the fewer days they study for.


The study program offers the students with some minor subjects, namely:

  1. Educational Leadership
  2. Education Administration & Development
  3. Advanced Teaching English for Young Learners 1
  4. Advanced Teaching English for Young Learners 2


The Master of English Education has several advantages, including:

  • Our program provides a deeper understanding of the theory and practice of English language teaching. The program teaches students to explore teaching techniques that can be successfully applied in the practice of English language teaching.
  • Producing graduates who are proficient in teaching English, have an independent personality, and are caring and committed to the quality of personal and learner skills.

The study program provides students with an opportunity to have an experience of organizing a seminar or workshop, and getting acquainted with prominent speakers, either Indonesian speakers or overseas speakers. The learning hours are in the evening, so they can still teach at schools from morning to afternoon. Students find the study program as a conducive place for learning with comfortable classes and helpful competent lecturers. All lectures are delivered in English.

1. Teachers at all levels of education
2. Education Leaders
3. Education Entrepreneurs
4. Education Consultants

Most students who have been studying at the study program are teachers, lecturers, and those working in the other field of English such as English curriculum developers at schools, or owners of English institutions.

A number of facilities supporting the study program:

  • Library with complete sets of textbooks, journals and magazines.
  • Library with the digital system
  • Microteaching class

Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya 
Graha Widya Mandala 
Jl. Dinoyo 48 A – Surabaya 60265 
P: +62 31 568 1377 ext 202/205 | WhatsApp: +62 878 5260 2515

UKWMS Works Hard to Prepare Every Student For Their Professional Life