Applied Accounting Study Program

The Diploma III Accounting Study Program is a vocational program that produces graduates who are ready to work. Vocational programs are the closest programs to the business world and the industrial world. The Diploma III Accounting Study Program cooperation with the Public Accounting Firms, Tax Consultant Offices, and also Company Agencies in the field of internships to make graduates from the D-III Accounting Study Program skilled and ready to compete in the world of professionals.internship) to make graduates from the D-III Accounting Study Program skilled and ready to compete in the world of professionals.

The advantages of this Diploma III Accounting Study Program establishes graduates with PeKA character, namely Care, Commit, and Enthusiastic which are contained in every lesson and are also supported by study program characteristic courses, namely Export Import, Office Administration, Practical Preparation of Financial Statements, Auditing Practical, Computer Accounting Practical and Tax Accounting.

To become a leading Accounting Study Program on a global scale in 2035 in producing vocational personnel in the field of accounting who are skilled, adaptive, and ethical.

1. Organizing Tri Dharma in quality of vocational accounting education with an emphasis on the use of technology to produce graduates who are competent, globally competitive, and have an entrepreneurial spirit; 2. Building a network of cooperation with stakeholders to improve the quality of graduates who can compete on a global scale.
2. Building a network of cooperation with stakeholders to improve the quality of graduates who can compete on a global scale.

On April 23, 2019, the D-III Accounting Program received an Akreditasi A A Accreditation status in accordance with BAN- PT Decree No. 119/S/BAN-P/Akred/Dipl-III/IV/2019, which is valid until April 23, 2024.

List of Staff 

No Lecture Name Field of Interest Email
1 Rr. Puruwita Wardani, MA. SE. Ak., CA., CPA. Auditing, Finance Accounting
2 Susanna Hartanto, SE. MM, M.L.S. Int. Tax. Taxation, Export Import, and Finance Accounting
3 Thomas Aquinas Wijanarko, S.Ak., M.Acc. Finance Accounting and Accounting Information System
4 Fransisca Tanti Anita, SE., MA Financial Accounting and Taxation
5 Lusia Jeni Setyawati, MA., Ak. Financial Accounting
6 Vivian Angelina S.W, S.Ak., M.Ak Cost Accounting and Finance Accounting
7 Ester Sabatini, S.Ak., M.Ak. Management Accounting and Finance Accounting

Independent Professional Profile (IPP)

- PPM1: Able to prepare financial reports skillfully by utilizing information technology based on generally accepted accounting principles and professional code of ethics.
- PPM 2: Able to carry out audits independently by developing professional skepticism of company financial reports and other audit services by utilizing information technology in accordance with professional ethics.
- PPM 3: Able to prepare tax reports skillfully and ethically in accordance with general taxation provisions.
- PPM 4: Able to develop self-potential to foster an entrepreneurial spirit with a caring, committed and enthusiastic spirit, and adaptive to the times imbued with the values of Pancasila and Catholic principles.


Graduate Learning Outcomes

a. Able to compile and analyze financial statements based on generally accepted accounting principles in Indonesia.
b. Able to calculate, compile, and analyze the cost of goods produced for planning, control, and decision making as well as budgeting in manufacturing companies.
c. Able to calculate taxes, make journals compile fiscal financial statements, and fill out tax returns for Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi (WP OP) and non-multinational entities in accordance with applicable tax regulations.
d. Able to practice audit procedures under supervision in accordance with the professional standards of public accountants and the code of ethics of public accountants.
e. Able to practice and analyze accounting information concepts and procedures based on accounting information system theory.
f. Able to prepare accurate and valid reports on work results and processes and communicate them effectively to other parties for business purposes.
g. Able to explain financial theories and concepts and analyze financial statement components for short-term and long-term decision making.
h. Able to explain the concepts of business environment, economics, and management and have entrepreneurial character and ability.
i. Able to show an attitude of devotion to God Almighty and apply human values, norms, and ethics in contributing to improving the quality of life in society, nation, and state based on Pancasila.

The Applied Accounting Study Program consists of 112 credits in 6 semesters and in the final semester, students will do Field Work Practice (internship). The curriculum emphasizes applied education based on technology and character development, and is designed to accommodate the Merdeka Learning Policy of the Merdeka Curriculum (MBKM).

The Diploma III Accounting Study Program is a study program that produces professional Accounting Associate Experts with abilities in business financial accounting, auditing, and information technology-based taxation. WMCUS Diploma III Accounting Study Program has cooperation with Professional Associations, namely the Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants (IAPI) and the Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI) in supporting learning through guest lectures and certification. In addition, the D-III Accounting Study Program has cooperation with the Public Accounting Firm (KAP), Tax Consultant Office (KKP), and well-known companies for internships and workplaces.
In addition, the D-III Accounting Study Program has cooperation with the Public Accounting Firm (KAP), Tax Consultant Office (KKP), and well-known companies for internships and workplaces.

Become an Accounting Associate who masters the knowledge and skills in the field of accounting for an entity supported by the ability to work together and communicate effectively, and is responsible for the achievement of independent work and work groups under the supervision of accountants. The work professions for graduates of the Applied Accounting Study Program are as follows:

– Professional Auditor
– Professional Accounting Consultant
– Professional Tax Consultant
– Accounting Officer
– Information System Accountant
– Professional Budgeter & Cost Accountant
– Enterprenuer

The laboratories in the Applied Accounting Study Program include:
– Accounting Practical Laboratory
– Digital Filing Laboratory
– Office Application Laboratory
– Self-Access Center
– Professional Ethics Laboratory

Other facilities in the Applied Accounting Study Program:
- Accounting Skills Certification Exam
- Professional Accurate Certification
– EnglishScore (British Council English Profeciency Test)
- Accounting Competency Certification by the National Professional Certification Agency

Applied Accounting Diploma
Faculty of Business 
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
Jl. Dinoyo 42-44, Surabaya 60265
P: +62 31 567 8478 ext 158

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