Hi Wimates, Greetings from the Faculty of Medicine!
Medicine is the oldest science in the world that is closely related to human life. A science and art that studies disease and how to cure it which is practiced by a doctor after graduating from the Faculty of Medicine through a sacred ceremony, namely the Doctor's Oath or the Hippocratic Oath. Therefore the medical profession is a noble and dignified profession, which must be maintained by adhering to the Indonesian Code of Medical Ethics (KODEKI) in serving the community. The Faculty of Medicine, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya (FK UKWMS) is a Pancasila-based Medical Education Institution, which graduates Professional, Ethical and Moral Doctors with Prima Soft Skills, serving the community with compassion with excellence in Geriatric Medicine. |
FK UKWMS was founded in 2011, has graduated 350 doctors in 6 batches (2017-2022), with first taker graduates above 90% (92%, 95%, 95%, 100%, 97%, 92%).
Batch 4/2020 made a proud achievement: 100% passed with 98 First Taker participants, one of whom had the highest national CBT score: 96 (NBL=67). Other advantages include starting to operate artificial intelligence (AI) methods for research and learning purposes.
FK UKWMS has teaching-learning facilities that are comfortable, clean and beautiful. Supported by the most modern laboratory in the "twin tower" building, the UKWMS Pakuwon City campus, East Surabaya, also has 8 educational hospitals where the Main Education Hospital is PHC Class B Hospital with Plenary Accreditation and Class C Gotong Royong Hospital with Plenary Accreditation as FK UKWMS Satellite Education Hospital. including public health learning facilities in the form of 8 health centers (Gresik and Surabaya). It is no less important that FK UKWMS has guest lecturers from abroad (Stanford University California USA, Dallas USA, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia).
Has a scientific magazine, Journal of Widya Medika Junior (SINTA 5), which publishes the research results of UKWMS FK students, and has been read by 142 countries in the world.
The Indonesian medical world has recently been facing challenges in the form of demands and expectations from the public for qualified Indonesian doctors to meet their needs in the field of health services, treating the sick and medical consultations, especially for people in remote and poorest areas. Therefore, doctors are needed who are figures in serving the community in accordance with the expectations above. It is hoped that UKWMS FK graduates will become professional doctors who can answer the demands of the community by serving the community with LOVE.
Selamat mengabdi, VIVA Dokter Indonesia
Laksamana Pertama TNI Purn dr. Herjunianto, SpPD, MMRS.