
Explore your options

At Estudiar, students take part in a broad range of academic, cultural, social, and political organizations. Write for the school newspaper, work with university leaders through student government, make your debut with visual and performing arts groups, and lend a hand in community service.


Through more than 1,300 events each year, students get a front-row seat to history as it’s being made. Like a student at Campbell University you will have access to workshops, lectures, performances, interviews, and more.

Through more than 1,300 events each year, students get a front-row seat to history as it’s being made. Like a student at Campbell University you will have access to workshops, lectures, performances, interviews, and more.

Featured Clubs & Organizations

UKWMS Tuan Rumah Tahbisan Uskup Surabaya 

(UKWMS – 22/1/2025) – Hari bahagia yang dinanti para umat Katolik Surabaya telah tiba, pada Selasa (22/1). Misa Tahbisan Uskup dilaksanakan di Widya Mandala Hall,

UKWMS Works Hard to Prepare Every Student For Their Professional Life