International Business Accounting (IBAcc) Program

The International Business Accounting program is under the coordination of the Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University (WMSCU) accounting study program. The Accounting Study Program at the WMSCU has been established since 1974. The WMSCU Accounting Study Program is under the auspices of the WMSCU Faculty of Economics (FE UKWMS) which was established in 1965. The Accounting Study Program began with the establishment of a Vocational Education Institution, namely Department of Adjunct Accountants, under the coordination of FE UKWMS, on November 1, 1974. In 1983, Adjunct Accountants changed its name to the accounting study program for S-1. In 2010, the WMSCU Faculty of Economics changed its name to the Faculty of Business. So that until now the WMSCU S-1 Accounting study program is under the auspices of the Faculty of Business.

In the teaching and learning process, the undergraduate accounting study program organizes an Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum that supports the Merdeka Campus. The Independent Learning Curriculum provides flexibility of educational programs that can provide opportunities for students to gain learning experiences through intra and inter-prodi, intra and inter-college, as well as through internships in the field. Therefore, to obtain learning outcomes, students can learn by utilizing a wide and varied learning resource (intra-inter-study program/college/field). Thus, students can channel their interests or desires, talents, and potentials, so that they can strengthen learning outcomes. Students can choose the Study Program Curriculum until graduation or choose the Independent Learning Curriculum.

Lecturers in the WMSCU accounting study program consist of academics, namely lecturers who develop accounting knowledge and deepen theoretical aspects. Furthermore, the lecturers of the WMSCU accounting study program also consist of practitioners who work in the fields of tax consultants, financial consultants, accounting consultants, auditors, and entrepreneurs. So that students will be able to learn to deepen their knowledge from a theoretical and practical perspective. WMSCU accounting study program students have achieved several achievements including winning competitions starting at the national level, and some have participated in international competitions.


Menjadi Program Studi Akuntansi terkemuka di lingkungan global pada tahun 2035 dalam menghasilkan pelaku profesional di bidang akuntansi yang beretika dengan kemampuan manajerial dan teknis dalam memecahkan persoalan bisnis dan kemasyarakatan.


Menghasilkan lulusan akuntansi yang mampu berdaya saing dalam lingkungan global berlandaskan nilai Katolik dan PeKA melalui kegiatan tri dharma perguruan tinggi yang berkualitas dan didukung dengan tata pamong dan tata kelola yang baik, dan aplikasi teknologi digital dan UMKM, serta sinergi dengan pemangku kepentingan secara berkelanjutan

Accreditation A (Excellent) was obtained by the Accounting Study Program as the coordinator of International Business Accounting with the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 045/BAN-PT/AK-VIII/S1/X/2004, dated October 26, 2004, which again maintained the A (Excellent) Accreditation based on BAN-PT Decree No. 006/BAN-PT/Ak-XIII/S1/VI/2010 and defended again in 2015 based on the Decree of BAN-PT No. 990/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2015.

In 2020, Accreditation A (which is equivalent to Superior) for the S1 Accounting Study Program has been extended and this accreditation is valid until September 12, 2025 based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number: 9835/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S /VII/2021. In 2021, the WMSCU accounting study program officially received an accredited Excellence title.

The following are the advantages of the IBAcc WMSCU under the coordination of Accounting Study Program:

  1. Accredited “Unggul/Excellent”
  2. Student exchange program with universities around the world
  3. Cooperation with national scale companies, public companies, and multinational companies
  4. Cooperation with Big Four Public Accounting Firms (Deloitte, PwC, EY, and KPMG)
  5. Cooperation with national (IAI, IAPI, IAMI, etc.) and international (ACCA, ICAEW, CPA Australia, etc.) accounting professional associations
  6. Cooperation with other professional associations (Research Methods and Data Science)
  7. Adaptive curriculum with technological developments
  8. Internships in National and Multinational Companies
  9. Average less than one month have got a job
  10. Cooperation with many companies to conduct direct recruitment
  1. Business Research Support Laboratory
  2. English Language Incubator Laboratory
  3. Business Simulation Laboratory
  4. Computerized Accounting Laboratory
  5. Taxation Laboratory
  6. Tax Center (which is part of the Tax Center Forum, Directorate General of Taxes, East Java Regional Office 1)
  7. Auditing Laboratory
  8. Investment Gallery
  9. Self Access Learning Center (Accounting Study Group)
  10. Case Base Center
  11. Entrepreneur Development Center
  12. Business Development Center

Faculty of Business

Kampus Dinoyo : Jl. Dinoyo 42-44, Surabaya 60265

Telp. 031-5687478, 5683897 ext 122, 124 – Fax 5610818

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Instagram: fakultasbisnisukwms

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