Early Childhood Education Study Program

PG-PAUD Study Program is organized based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education number 137/KPT/2016 dated March 30, 2016.

UKWMS PG-PAUD Study Program produces graduates who have noble personalities, have the ability to educate according to the needs of early childhood development and are able to adapt to the development of local, national and global community life.


The vision of the PG-PAUD Study Program is “The realization of the implementation of the UKWMS PG-PAUD Undergraduate Study Program with intellectual, spiritual, creative, and innovative excellence and competitiveness at the national and international levels.


Organizing quality learning, research, and community service in an effort to produce:

  1. Early childhood educators who are characterized, professional and able to use English in the learning process.
  2. Early childhood educators who are creative and
  3. Early Childhood Educators who are sensitive to social changes, competent in finding and developing ideas related to Early Childhood Education in the community, both at the local, national and international levels.


No Name Field of Interest Email
1 Cresensia Dina Candra K.D., S.Psi., M.Pd. Education Psychology dinacandra@ukwms.ac.id
2 Anita Roslina Simanjuntak, S.Pd., M.Pd. Early Childhood Education anitaroslina@ukwms.ac.id
3 Kristin Anggraini, S.Pd., M.Pd. Early Childhood Education kristinanggraini@ukwms.ac.id
4 Sindy Anugerah Wati,S.Pd., M.Pd Early Childhood Education sindy@ukwms.ac.id
5 Regina Christine Takumansang, M.Pd. Early Childhood Education regina@ukwms.ac.id

Graduate Learning Outcomes

  1. Work Skills
    Able to carry out teaching and learning activities that apply various learning methods suitable for early childhood listed in the local, national and international curriculum in early childhood education institutions and able to utilize Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in curriculum development and learning media for early childhood.
  1. Scientific / Knowledge Coverage
    Mastering the theoretical concepts of child development, curriculum, learning media to organize teaching and learning activities in early childhood education institutions.
  1. Methods and Skill Levels
    Able to carry out Classroom Action Research (PTK) as a sustainable effort to solve early childhood problems that actually occur in children's learning groups by choosing one method (solution) from various possible alternative solutions, starting from designing proposals, implementing PTK, and reporting research results.
  1. Managerial Skills
    Responsible for holistic, integrative, engaging and fun learning processes in early childhood education institutions and highly dedicated to helping each learner achieve optimal learning outcomes.

The implementation of PG-PAUD education refers to the semester credit system (SKS) with a load of a total of 144 credits spread over 8 semesters, but can be completed in 7 semesters.

The curriculum is designed based on the Higher Education Curriculum (KPT) and refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) in such a way that graduates have the following competencies:
a. Field of Education and Teaching
Menyelenggarakan dan mengelola lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini yang menjunjung hak anak akan pendidikan yang layak bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik dan psikis anak usia dini.

b. Field of Early Childhood Knowledge
– Analyzing the needs and problems early child hood, applying the principles of holistic learning for early childhood, designing and developing early childhood learning models that are relevant to the needs of early childhood.
- Produce the design and development of curriculum models, Educational Game Tools (APE) and the organization of Education

c. Field of English Communication
Delivering AUD learning in English

d. Field of Entrepreneurship
Become an entrepreneur in the organization, development, and management of the institution PAUD

In addition, the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education (PG-PAUD) Study Program also supports the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program by collaborating with partner schools in Surabaya where students can later carry out internships at partner schools to apply their learning outcomes from several courses such as PLP1, and PLP 2. The results of the internship activities will later be converted into the value of the course.

The advantages of the PG-PAUD Study Program include:

  1. An education program with excellence in the field of early childhood education supported by specific courses for excellence.
  2. Educators and education personnel who are professional in their fields and highly committed to the achievement of excellence.
  3. A compact curriculum and up to date which allows for faster study completion for the PG PAUD Study Program and is more in line with stakeholder needs.
  4. Development soft skills students through the sadari program, mentorship, outbond, internships and Student Activity Points (PK2)
  5. Good classroom and laboratory facilities, with sufficient numbers.
  6. The number of scholarships offered.
  7. The alumni network is strong enough to facilitate the job search process after graduation and the exchange of information between alumni and the implementation of continuing education for alumni.

Graduates of the UKWMS PG-PAUD Study Program can have the following careers:
a. Become an early childhood teacher of TK/RA, KB, TPA
b. Become an early childhood teacher who can use two languages (English & Indonesian)
c. Become an instructor/mentor/developer of curriculum materials & learning media for early childhood
d. Become a researcher in the field of early childhood education
e. Become an early childhood education consultant
f. Become Edupreneur in the organization of early childhood education institutions

Facilities supporting the smooth teaching and learning process include:

  1. Cool and comfortable lecture hall
  2. Library
  3. Educational Game Development Laboratory
  4. Computing Laboratory with internet facilities
  5. Learning Media Video Production Studio Laboratory
  6. Art and culture laboratory
  7. Laboratory Micro-teaching
  8. Laboratory Early Childhood Education Learning Center (ECELC)
  9. Student Organization Activity Room

Early Childhood Education Study Program
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
Jl. Kalijudan 37 Surabaya-60114
P: +62 31 389 1264 – +62 31 381 3070

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