Magister Accounting

Financial information, which emanates from the accounting process, serves as a universal language in business endeavors. However, this universal business language does not constitute the primary source for decision-making. Non-financial information becomes essential for business practitioners to comprehend the competitive landscape in the era of globalization and free markets. A comprehensive grasp of both financial and non-financial information empowers business actors to make precise decisions. Business decisions carry implications for tax consequences. Taxes represent costs that must be effectively managed by business practitioners. Strategic tax management can serve as a competitive advantage for companies. Such competitive advantages are critical for companies to yield returns on their business investments. The process of attaining competitive edge involves research and development, which shapes learning opportunities for individuals within the organization.

Learning can be acquired through practical business experience and further enhanced via formal educational programs. The Master of Accounting (MAKSI) program at UKWMS aims to enhance the capabilities of students in three key areas: (1) financial reporting practices, (2) business activity attestation and reporting, and (3) comprehensive utilization of financial and non-financial information, all while considering taxes as a cost to support informed business decision-making. Achieving these objectives equips students to become entrepreneurial innovators in their respective fields, thereby contributing to their competitive advantage.

To become a leading Master of Accounting study program in the global environment by 2035, producing professionals capable of critical and ethical thinking in the development of accounting knowledge and the resolution of business and societal issues.


To produce Master of Accounting graduates who are competitive in the global environment, grounded in Catholic values and the PeKA principles, through high-quality tri dharma university activities supported by good governance and management, leveraging aspects of digital technology and taxation, and maintaining sustainable synergy with stakeholders.

As of October 26, 2021, the Master of Accounting (MAKSI) program at UKWMS has achieved an Akreditasi BAIK SEKALI in accordance with Decision No. 11901/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/M/X/2021 issued by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). This accreditation pertains to the Accounting Program within the UKWMS Master’s Program.

List of Staff

No Name Field of Interest Email
1 Prof. Teman Koesmono, MM Leadership and Organizational Behavior
2 Prof. Tatang Ary Gumanti, M.Buss. Acc., Ph.D Financial Accounting
3 Dr. Dyna Rachmawati, M.Si., Ak.,CA Strategic Management Accounting
4 Lena Ellitan, Ph.D Research Methodology
5 Dr. Fenika Wulani, MM Leadership and Organizational Behavior
6 Dr. Margaretha Ardhanari, MM Research Methodology
7 Dr. Hartono Rahardjo, Ak. CA Financial Accounting and Taxation
8 Dr. Mudjilah Rahayu, MM Financial Accounting
9 Dr. Teodora Winda Mulia, M.Si., CA. Auditing
10 Dr. Dian Purnama Sari., M.SA Taxation
11 Dr. Hendra Wijaya, MM., CPMA Accounting Information Systems
12 Dr. Agnes Utari Widyaningdyah, M.Si., Ak., CA. Accounting Information Systems and Management Accounting
13 Dr. JC. Shanti, M.Si., Ak., CA Financial Accounting
14 Dr. Teng Jesica Handoko, M.Si., Ak. CA Management Accounting
15 Dr. C. Bintang Hari Yudhanti, M.Si. Financial Accounting
16 Dr. Sihar Tigor Tambunan, MM Accounting Information Systems and Management Accounting
17 Dr. Sri Yunan Budiarsi, MM Strategic Management Accounting

Independent Professional Profile (IPP)

IPP 1 Analyzing and adapting to accounting issues related to financial aspects, strategic management, and taxation within organizations transitioning toward business digitalization, based on the values of PeKA.
IPP 2 Becoming an entrepreneur by providing consultative services in accounting, management, finance, and taxation to organizations undergoing digital transformation, grounded in the values of PeKA.
IPP 3 Developing solutions or problem-solving approaches in auditing for client companies using specific scientific methods to analyze these challenges, guided by the values of PeKA.
IPP 4 Creating responsive and flexible teaching methods in the field of accounting, aligned with changing business practices due to digitalization, while adhering to the values of PeKA


Graduate Learning Outcomes 

GLO 1 Demonstrating ethical and professional attitudes in carrying out academic tasks.
GLO 2 Enhancing self-directed learning abilities through the utilization of various media, including information technology, to develop critical, creative, and innovative ideas.
GLO 3 Proficiently developing theories, concepts, and practices in financial accounting and management accounting, including taxation, accounting information systems, and auditing, within the context of business transformation toward digitalization.

1. The Master of Accounting program implements a credit-based semester system. This system requires 16 meetings per semester, including 14 face-to-face sessions, 1 Mid-Semester Examination (UTS), and 1 Final Semester Examination (UAS).

2. The credit system in the Graduate Program equates 1 credit with 60 minutes of face-to-face interaction, 60 minutes of structured assignments, and 60 minutes of self-directed learning.

3. Students can complete their studies within 16 months (4 semesters)

4. Instruction is conducted bilingually (in both Indonesian and English)

5. To prepare students for regular classes, the Master of Accounting program offers preparatory classes: Financial Accounting and Management.

The MaKSI program at UKWMS offers three specialization areas:

  • Financial Accounting
  • Management Accounting
  • Taxation

The curriculum design takes into account taxation aspects. Taxation is a central topic in all courses, whether in the Financial Reporting and Business Assuranceor Strategic Management Accounting specialization.

Collaborations with various professional associations, including the Indonesian Tax Consultants Association (IKPI), the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) East Java, the Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants (IAPI), and the Indonesian Institute of Management Accountants (IAMI), enhance the teaching and learning process (subject to confirmation).

Enrichment programs complement and enhance students’ competencies and soft skills. capacity building, table mannerexpert business discussions, and company brainstorming.

The career prospects for graduates of the MaKSI program at UKWMS include:

  1. Public Accountants
  2. Management Accountants
  3. Accounting Managers (both in finance and management)
  4. Consultants (in finance and management accounting)
  5. Audit Managers
  6. Accounting Educators
  7. Academics

Additionally, the Master of Accounting program provides facilities across two campuses:

Dinoyo 42 Campus

  • Library
  • Business Research Center
  • Tax Centre
  • Investment Clinic
  • Health Clinic
  • Psychological Services Center

Dinoyo 48 Campus (Grha Widya Mandala)

  • Library
  • Study Rooms
  • Graduate Lounge
  • Student Organization Rooms

Both campuses offer Wi-Fi facilities to support academic activities

Accounting Master Study Program
Faculty of Business
Gedung Benedictus lantai 2

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
Jl. Dinoyo 42-44, Surabaya-60265
P: +62 31 568 2681 

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