Accreditation of Food and Nutrition Technology Journal

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya added another one to their list of achievements in 2018. Previously, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology received an A accreditation which was decided and announced in Jakarta on March 20, 2018. This time, their journal, which is Journal of Food and Nutrition Technology (E-ISSN 2613909X), has been accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. This award was received directly by the Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Ir. Thomas Indarto Putut Suseno, MP., HDI. at the Indonesian Convention Exhibition  (ICE) in Tangerang, during the Seminar on Ethics and Scientific Publication Integrity and the Submission of Certificate for the Scientific Journal Accreditation. This event was held and organized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The award was given by the Director of Intellectual Property Management, Dr. Sadjuga, M.Sc.

This achievement follows the success of the journal “Beyond Words” which is managed by the WMCUS Graduate School, and has been accredited previously on August 13, 2018. WMCUS Rector, Drs. Kuncoro Foe, G.Dip.Sc., Ph.D., Apt. said, “Congratulations to the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. I hope this very proud achievement can inspire other leaders and managers of scientific journals in other faculties to work better and more active in order to achieve accreditation for their scientific journals. I also thank the Editor team, Dr.rer.nat. Ig. Radix Astadi P.J., STP., MP. and the Library Team, Vincentius Widya Iswara, S.S., M.A who have worked hard together to support this accreditation process.”


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